Back is still in trouble. Started PT so I have some basic exercises to do – aside from casual spinning on the bike I foresee 4-6 weeks sans riding. Foot is back to 90%. Good to go, even in cycling shoes. Last Sunday’s ride was slow and painful due to my back. Trudged out maybe 20 miles around town. Snow is starting to fall. 4-8″ due in town this morning. I’m going to use this time to rebuild my core, get into a yoga class, and work on stretching, flexibility, and changing up my routine – maybe even getting into the pool for some swimming.

3 Replies to “PT”

  1. Man, I’d ask again about riding. Combined with the core work and stretches the pain should start to dissipate, allowing you some riding time.

    P.S. You rode fine last weekend, that wind was a killer.

  2. I can ride, so long as it doesn’t stress the medical tape I have on my back in a great big X to remind me to keep neutral posture. Might have to put that funky adjustable stem on the Soma to keep me sitting bolt upright… if I crunch forward I end up in pain later in the day. Repeating that is something I’m forbidden from doing.

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