Took off for what was hoped to be a century – but looking at the weather report this morning we knew it would be a stretch. Jim and I worked ourselves northbound to the Islands into an impressive howling wind with snow flurries mixed in to keep it fun. Temps started in the low 30s and barely climbed into the 40s. Cold toes, hands, and a chill building under the plastic jacket (better wet weather gear is on the way).

I added another notch to my RCP award training with a stop @ Hero’s Welcome. No cinnamon bun this week – but a chocolate pastry that was wonderfully washed down with some much needed hot hot coffee. Text to the wife and another with words of encouragement to Patrick who was 100 miles into the Old Saybrook 300k… then off south to enjoy a bit of tailwind, and then crosswinds, all the way into town. Another ~80 mile day. It felt like much much more. The last 10 were a struggle, into the wind near the bay, with a respite along the lakefront MUP.