After a recharge nap I set out to fix the leaking faucet / pipes / drain / sink in the kitchen. A turn of the shut off valves ended in a crumbled mess, so I had to get at the main water line in the basement. Hunched over, working under the sink, crawling in and out of the cabinets – it was like work. A ride to the hardware store. Then a return under the cabinets to hook everything back up, only to find that the faucet itself is leaking from its innards. Off to the home improvement superstore on the other side of town.

Fixed Surly, Carradice Barley, and my messenger bag. Plumbers putty and an updated Pur filter in the Barley, the faucet barely tucked into the messenger bag. Back under the cabinets. Installed with minimal knuckle gnashing and no mishaps save a reversal of the hot and cold (the original plumber put them in backwards) and the filter doesn’t fit without some special adapter. Turn the main back only to see a drip drip coming from the main valve. A slight turn of the wrench to snug it up – I don’t want to blow a gasket and have a flood in the basement – and all seems well for the moment. I need to search around and see if we have a main outside of the house – I’m worried now about the gasket in the basement valve… and have no idea how to repair it without shutting us down from without. Not a bad day after all – sunny skies, three bike rides, and a household chore knocked off the list. I’m hoping the fine weather sticks around and I’ll get in a decent ride tomorrow. Coffee cruise first thing – and if all systems are go perhaps a run out to some dirt.