I recently updated the Surly Cross Check drivetrain to create a double dingle. 42t and 40t chainrings up front, 17t and 19t dinglecog on the rear. With the same chain I can run a 40×19, 42×19, or 42×17 giving me a gear range from 57.2 gear inches to 67.1 gear inches with 35 semi slick cross tires. I need to remove the fenders and mount up some Ritchey Speedmax Cross 40s to get a bit more tire under me for some trail riding. Perhaps a bikepacking S24O this fall?

Hah! That’s the exact same set up I have on my Casseroll, with a 22t bailout freewheel on the flip side of my Phil. I use the 42×17 for city riding and flat to rolling rides, and the 40×19 for long rides with lots of climbing and/or dirt, and the 40×22 for steep ascents and descents. It’s great!
Dude. That is RAD.
I now have a new plan for my fixed Crosscheck.
Jeremy – I had a 21t on the flip side – it siezed up after 2 winters and maybe 10 miles of actually use. I have a 22t that might work sitting at the LBS – going to try it next week so I can play in the dirt.
RD – yeah, figured I had the parts sitting round so instead of pulling 1 ring off… I just bolted it to the inside.
What I’d like to do when I save up some $$ is get a larger spread – so something like 42/38 or even 36 on the front and 17/21 on the rear… there should be enough dropout to make it work… but that means new crank. 🙁 Currently I can’t use the 40/17 as I run out of dropout – so I’ll have to remedy that next spring when this chain gets trashed.