Granola Ninja Training Camp


Stumbled on this secret granola ninja training camp this morning while exploring the local woods. Camo painted extension ladders locked to trees, steel cable slack lines and rigging, climbing wall, tire swings, tree platforms and some sort of zip line. All minutes from downtown Burlington… just off the beaten path.





It is just up the trail from some mild double track, which turns to single track and then footpath. Some foot bridges and plank crossings back in this way too.


7 Replies to “Granola Ninja Training Camp”

  1. Granola ninjas are a mysterious sect. They are rumored to habitate the northern woodlands from Northapmton, Ma and the Berkshires to the Canadian border in Vermont. They are notorious for disrupting and protesting against genetically modified foods, conservative government, and big oil.

    You may see them in the wild – often heading to the Coop or Peace and Justice Store – if they are not riding converted English 3 spds as fixed gears or traveling about on Surly Long Haul Truckers with handmade hemp bags – they will most likely be spotted in an ancient diesel converted Meredes or Volvo or a late 90s Subaru with sports aparatii hanging from the roof (and bumper stickers, lots of bumper stickers).

  2. I do worry about the Contra-Counter Revolutionaries, most of whom live or will live in South Village.

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