Sunday Dirt


Solo adventuring today on some favorite roads. Household stuff to do – so I kept it short to 38 or so. Shot some video descending Governor Chittenden Road – but the bar mounted camera bouncing around makes it nearly impossible to watch.

13 Replies to “Sunday Dirt”

  1. Looks wonderful! I have not been getting out, as we are getting ready to move. Gotta get back to packing, in fact, but it was nice to enjoy some riding vicariously.

  2. sweet – i stayed off the dirt yesterday b/c i thought saturdays rain would have made it a little mucky.

    but, I had a nice ride down to bristol (which wasn’t my intention) – totally zoned out in Huntington and missed my turn onto hollow rd. oh well. bonus miles!

  3. @ patrick – that’s a long ride for someone who didn’t feel up to riding… πŸ˜‰

    was it my early start? or my slowness? or my hygiene? or my rattly fenders that kept you away?

  4. yeah, about 80 miles too long.

    nothing to do with you, mb – i really had no intention or desire to ride. i just freaked out about the BHAG and force fed myself mileage. i need to find another month’s worth of motivation – any ideas?

  5. big hairy audacious goal – otherwise known as the 1200k (sorry, 1240k) i talked him into riding with me… and the way he’s riding he’ll be solo off the front and i’ll be eating cinnamon buns with you and john. πŸ˜‰

  6. one flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

    oregon. kesey. you’re starting to make sense to me, Jim πŸ˜‰

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