Been a hectic few weeks.
Snowstorm 2.0

Great storm still underway. Expected snowfall totals to range from 15 to 30+ inches by the time it is done. Burlington Airport had a record 19 inches yesterday. Totals today shattered 120 years of record keeping – 32.6 inches recorded at last check of the local paper’s website – with more on the way.

I got out for a nice ride this morning. Singlespeed on the Soma, running 32×18 (a bit high with all the snow), and the Nokian Extremes. I almost swapped tires to the fat Nevegals – but was glad I had the 588 points of carbide along when I managed to break through to pavement. Logged just under 15 miles. Lakefront MUP was a mess – deep powder with footprints and frozen tracks deep below the surface. I kept to side streets and a few main roads. Most motorists were tolerant of the crazy on the bike. Made it into town to run errands, warm with some tea, and check out the waterfront. Digicam battery died – so I’m left with smartphone pics.