We had a tough week last week – the family was dodging colds while packing and prepping for our move. We made it. Closed on the new place last Tuesday, moved on Wednesday, and turned over keys to our old place on Thursday. We are settling in to our new (old) cape in Burlington with 1/3 of an acre blank slate of a backyard for the dog and little one to enjoy. We have trees, grass, a fence, and a small garage. Ball chucking with the pooch and chasing the little one around ensued. Life is good.

Until that cough caught up with me. I went to urgent care Saturday morning after spiking a high fever and I’m being treated for pneumonia. Starting to feel human again after 2 days in bed catching up on some movie rentals. Hopefully my lungs will return in time to enjoy the VT 100k Cafe Cruise. It was going to be slow before I got sick, as I’m in a death spiral of riding form… now I just plan to enjoy a long day on the bike and to finish with some friends.