Took off with Wil to Richmond for the first leg of his 200k pre-ride and course check. Met Greg for some dirt climbing. Wes White Hill, East Road and Taft Road in Huntington, then a sloppy ride down Dugway above the Huntington Gorge. Brutal cold headwind coming back north and east. I finished with ~50, steep climbing up Wes White and East Road. Firm dirt to start, sloppy to finish.
Met some folks taking the pets out for a stroll…
Good day out. Tough start, my quads were pretty sore from Friday yoga. After a caffeine break and some warm sun things got better. Blue blue sky and sun today… aside from the wind – perfect.
Great photos. There must have been a lot packed into that approx. 50-mile ride.
Thought this was appropriate for the upcoming brevet season,
Thanks Steve. Quite a few folks have sent that to me! Since I’m the guy writing the cue sheets for routes in VT I don’t have the problem of persistent cue paranoia… 😉
I do have the problem of most of my time on the bike being slow… but that is an engine problem, more than a randonneuring problem.
Thanks for a fun adventure Mike. First time I’ve seen llamas out for a walk! See you saturday.