
Some snaps from a slow roll this morning. Everything is fatigued and tired and sore. Rumor has it the 9 yards of dirt I’ve moved and the 800 square feet of soil that I turned hasn’t helped things… 😉

I really love the light in the morning – especially with a thin fog over the lake.

2 Replies to “Morning”

  1. was thinking about a pump track… but not this year.
    garden expansion continues. can’t wait for all the home grown goodness to start coming to the table.
    tomatoes, basil, snap peas, beans, corn, eggplant, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, romaine, potatoes, garlic, asparagus (next year… maybe), onions, cucumbers, honeydew, watermelon, broccoli, etc. etc. etc.

    mmmmm. mmmm. mmm.

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