Early Morning Sky, Bridge – Re-Processed

Originally a 13 panel panorama stitch, this is a cropped version with some color adjustments looking straight up @ the early morning sky in Burlington, VT. Shot from low on the bridge, with a nodal / panorama head on a tripod with a Rokinon 12mm f/2 lens. Stitched in PTGui Pro.

Vertical Panorama – Take 2

A vertical panorama stitch that I reprocessed. This is from Silver Lake, in the Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont as the sun started to lighten the sky. I spent the early hours of the morning capturing Orionid meteors and snapped off a few reflections in the lake. I didn’t realize I had enough images for a pano until I got back to the computer – but I’ve added this to my list of things to try again the next time I have clear skies and interesting landscapes. Imagine, try, fail, learn, repeat.

Vertical Panorama, Orion and Silver Lake, Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont

Re-Processed, Again

Fumlbing around with PixInsight stacking Orion Images

Slight re-processing of my stacked version of ~40 frames of images I shot during my Orionids outing last year at Silver Lake in the Green Mountain National Forest. This image is a bonus – after the fact I decided to stack most of the shots I took and align, register and stack them in Pixinsight. I was trying to catch meteors so I was using a 13s shutter speed, which is a just a bit too long for pinpoint stars, and if I were shooting for stacking I could have stepped the aperture down a bit to tighten up the corner stars. With the stars moving and the software doing the alignment the landscape gets blurred – I haven’t had the patience to blend in a static landscape with this shot – but its on my list of skills to practice.

Three, Stitched

Three images of Three, Stitched. Practicing. Learning. Failing. Tricky light, moving water, reflections. There is no try, do, fail, repeat, learn.

Three, Pano Stitch

Pilings 1, 2, and 3

I return to ‘Three’ – the pilings in Lake Champlain on the Burlington waterfront often. They are loyal subjects, always available to be photographed, they stand still, and they have quite a bit of character. I took 3 individual shots yesterday morning along with a group shot and have been messing around with processing in Lightroom.
