Father’s Day

A good day. Trying to keep things in perspective – but I struggle often with where my riding, free time, and fitness have gone. In the end – I wouldn’t trade back. We spent a family day on the bikes Saturday to the Farmer’s Market and then to American Flatbread for lunch followed by Ben & Jerry’s on Church St. A nap on the way home for the little one let mama and dada score some easy cruising miles.

Monday afternoon Ava finally decided it was time to ride her scoot bike all by herself. She’s out on it now with our nanny, cruising up and down the sidewalk. Life is good.

Recent Snaps

Random, in no particular order or category. Can’t wait to find a place to live. Then to pack, move, unpack and feel settled. Sigh.

Rainy Gray Saturday Morning

Not much riding lately. Housing search complicates life along with the roller coaster ride of finding a place, putting in an offer, and having the reality of an inspection dash our hopes. Wish there was some magic document that would show a history of materials and improvements that people have made to their homes over their life. Poor decisions made by previous owners are then passed on (often unseen) and inherited by future owners. We are investing a large chunk of savings and future income – and folks wonder why we ask so many questions and are particular about electrical systems meeting code (basic safety things!), cracked chimneys, water damage in all the basements we’ve seen, window upgrades, ancient furnaces, and the list goes on. (It doesn’t help that I’ve lived and worked in the hand crafted and custom home building world for the better part of my life…)

Burlington – we love you and want desperately to stay in town… but your housing prices are outrageous for the quality we’ve seen. As a working family its hard for me to see how others make it work – the college market hyper inflates prices in an already tight market. Lovely Victorians and Colonials hacked to pieces by the college slum lords… and the smaller, odder pieces inflated to pre-bubble levels left for the folks who want to put down roots and stick around for more than four years.

But, Saturday mornings with my sweetie make it all seem worth it. Strawberries, heart pancakes, and a big smile. Time to color on recycled architectural prints…!


What a difference a week or two makes… weather turned the corner for a bit. Rode in shirt sleeves and knicks last week. Then we were hit with some short lived fluffy white today.


Weather is changing.
Soma is hooked to the little one train for groceries, yoga, and playtime. Body weight is up. Mood is improving. Fitness is down. Kidervals to begin. Stopping at parks is a must.

Thinking about a Schlumpf Mountain Drive. 2 speed fixed gear. Mmmm. Where to find the $$.

House hunting continues. Hopefully townhouse selling will commence magically in the next few weeks. We’ve looked at a handful of properties – and only a few would suit our tastes and neighborhood choices. Those that do fit stretch the budget but also our imagination about life in town, good public schools, and being much closer to friends and family. Walking downtown? To the store? I could get used to that.

Montreal Snaps


I wanted to write a longer post about our recent trip to Montreal… in lieu of the post never happening – here are some snaps from a bike friendly big city.


Quick trip north to Montreal. Jen had a training session at her company’s Canadian office. Ava and I wandered town while I worked virtually – answering emails and phone via a fast data connection and the magic of international calling on a cell phone – while climbing, eating, sliding, eating, climbing, walking and bike gawking.