Update – our Bakfiets is moving to a new home. The bike has been sold. Thanks for all the interest.
Vermont to Switzerland
The little one has outgrown her infant seat… so we moved to a booster in the Bak. I debated padding the box and using one of the over shoulder harnesses – but she tends to fall asleep when we are rolling – so a toddler booster seat keeps her nice and snug without slumping over. I’ve given up some cargo space up front as she’s gotten taller…
Took a detour home from town to take in the Intervale in all its late fall glory. We are lucky to live in an area of Burlington that is served by 1 main road route to downtown and several options for MUPs. The route of choice on the Bak is usually along the gently graded lakefront MUP, and old railbed turned into the ‘Burlington Bike Path’. Another option is the ‘127 Bike Path’ – which parallels and crosses the Winooski river into town, cutting through the Intervale. Its a great shortcut when getting from our place to points southeasterly of town. On our trip home last week I took the Bak for a gently off road roll. First on dirt farm roads and then on some flat single track along the river and through Ethan Allen Homestead. We connected back up to the 127 MUP for the last leg of our journey into the New North End. The Bak handled great on the dry stuff – but when it got really snotty I felt transported to my youth when I piloted my first car – the hand me down family wagon – through the snow.
Short ride with Greg and Keenan out to ‘the Cut’ on the causeway. This is the first time the Bak has made the trip to the waters edge. The path is in good shape, the bike ferry docks look great, and the temps and colors were perfect.
Greg is riding his all-terrain-a-saurus. He bought a used mountain bike from Old Spokes two years ago and converted it to a road bike. He’s added some really wide semi knobby tires for dirt road cruising, and picked up a free bike trailer for the little one. Missing are his rack, panniers, and bright yellow fenders. Last winter he made his own studded tires.
Farmer’s Market, takeout from Sadie Katz, homemade cookies, Shakespeare in the (Battery) Park. Good, great, summer Saturday.
Got out for 50 this Sunday morning with Jim and John. We had a partial dirt tour from Richmond to Huntington and mixed in some quiet paved roads to stitch ourselves a loop. The three of us + Patrick are riding the D2R2 in a few weeks – and in addition to ‘training’ we all really like scenic, quiet dirt roads. We took the busy (even on a Sunday AM) Rt. 2 out of town, headed past Catamount on Mountain View Rd. – then dipped down to the valley on Gov. Chittenden Highway – a great seasonal road. In Richmond we followed the Winooski east a bit, then turned up on the edge of Camel’s Hump State Park. We were rewarded for the 15% grade with some great views of a quiet valley. Along pond road there is a – pond. We cut down to Huntington and then through the hollow to Hinesburg, scouting a few more dirt roads for a future ride. We wrapped up at John’s, and a cold Smuttynose hit the spot. I also picked up our cake pan from John – as we left it awhile back at dinner. It rode home on the Mark’s Rack (more on that later) held down with my improvised helmet strap / double strap method.
I met mamafiets and Ava at yoga for the ride home. I was tickled to see the Bak parked in a spot normally occupied by a car. Jen surprises me sometimes with her logic… which is great. At the beach she simply parked in the parking slot next to her girlfriends – at yoga she didn’t want to wrestle the bak over the curb – and figured if a motorcycle can park in the lot – then she could. (oh how I love thee…) I had 45 minutes to wait so I let the beer do its work and napped under a tree. We headed for home with a grocery stop and then were off to Plainfield to dinner with friends.
Two snaps from last week. Met dear friends in town at Flatbread for dinner and enjoyed a lovely evening ride home, taking in the sunset on the Bak.
Playing with some Nitto Moustache bars on the Surly. Not sure if I like them – I need to get them up and away a bit – the only stem I have that fits is too short and too shallow.