Hanging On
Last Days of Fall
Misty Morning
Fall Back
Glow, Full Crop
Bolton Potholes
I scouted and photographed the Bolton Potholes this weekend. Short walk, literally behind a school. From below there is a wire / cable that crosses the creek, so I climbed up on the rocks for a better view. There is a road and houses up in the woods behind the house, including some power lines you can barely make out in my photos.
Each of these are multi frame panorama stitches. I am happy with the results for my first time at this location – and have a few ideas for another visit.
In another week, when color starts to peak I plan to make a trip back – I’ll be planning for an early to mid afternoon visit when the sun will better light the rocks and water.
Vertical Panorama – Take 2
A vertical panorama stitch that I reprocessed. This is from Silver Lake, in the Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont as the sun started to lighten the sky. I spent the early hours of the morning capturing Orionid meteors and snapped off a few reflections in the lake. I didn’t realize I had enough images for a pano until I got back to the computer – but I’ve added this to my list of things to try again the next time I have clear skies and interesting landscapes. Imagine, try, fail, learn, repeat.

White Rocks

A short hike with Greg and the Pup. Cold, late fall and late for the season cold. We set out to do the White Rocks / Hunger Mountain loop – but the pup was shivering as we neared the top of White Rocks – so we back tracked.

Hunger was in low lying clouds – so we made a good choice, regardless, especially after retreating to Red Hen for coffee and breakfast.