Milky Way – Silver Lake

1:30am alarm, car at 2, hiked into Silver Lake in the Green Mountain National Forest. The sky changes so quickly as dawn approaches – first shot in this series at 4:13am, last shot at 4:50am.

Bridge, Early Morning Sky

13 panel panorama stitch, updated with some local and color refinements – the bike bridge in Burlington Vermont and the early morning sky. Light pollution from Montreal to the top, and bright lights at a boathouse and a couple of houses to the bottom.

Early Morning Sky, Bridge – Re-Processed

Originally a 13 panel panorama stitch, this is a cropped version with some color adjustments looking straight up @ the early morning sky in Burlington, VT. Shot from low on the bridge, with a nodal / panorama head on a tripod with a Rokinon 12mm f/2 lens. Stitched in PTGui Pro.

Vertical Panorama – Take 2

A vertical panorama stitch that I reprocessed. This is from Silver Lake, in the Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont as the sun started to lighten the sky. I spent the early hours of the morning capturing Orionid meteors and snapped off a few reflections in the lake. I didn’t realize I had enough images for a pano until I got back to the computer – but I’ve added this to my list of things to try again the next time I have clear skies and interesting landscapes. Imagine, try, fail, learn, repeat.

Vertical Panorama, Orion and Silver Lake, Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont

Re-Processed, Again

Fumlbing around with PixInsight stacking Orion Images

Slight re-processing of my stacked version of ~40 frames of images I shot during my Orionids outing last year at Silver Lake in the Green Mountain National Forest. This image is a bonus – after the fact I decided to stack most of the shots I took and align, register and stack them in Pixinsight. I was trying to catch meteors so I was using a 13s shutter speed, which is a just a bit too long for pinpoint stars, and if I were shooting for stacking I could have stepped the aperture down a bit to tighten up the corner stars. With the stars moving and the software doing the alignment the landscape gets blurred – I haven’t had the patience to blend in a static landscape with this shot – but its on my list of skills to practice.


Turning back to walk to the car after a disappointing session fumbling with filters, I was treated to the amazing colors in the sky over Lake Champlain.