We visited Storm King on our way home from NYC as a car break / art break. I need to get back and wander more…

Vermont to Switzerland
Sketch break at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, sitting at a George Nakashima table, on his wonderful chairs.
Spent last week with the fam in NYC, and it was a treat sharing one of my favorite places with the girls. I lived in Manhattan for a bit during a studio exchange program and for a year of grad school whilst at Columbia. Good memories and bad, hard and good times during that time of my life, sweet and delightful to wander with the girls.
A bit of work travel – Boston area and then Providence, RI – I stopped at Beavertail Point in Jamestown, RI at dusk and enjoyed the mosquitos and evening light. I took a series of shots that I stitched into a quick panorama in Lr. There was moving water and changing light, and I have a second series of shots that I may try to develop into a larger version, with more detail spent on blending the water as it changes from shot to shot.
There were several men fishing off the rocks as the tide came in, and the light was operating behind me.
I stayed with friends in the Berkshires and had the pleasure of staying in the guest house they rent out for vacations. This is the ‘library’ – a hand crafted cruck timber frame. I took two sets of pano images while sipping cider before tucking in for the night – the static image below was shot from the doorway to the room, and this spherical panorama was shot from the center.
I wish I had noticed the chairs weren’t equidistant from the doorway before packing everything up. It bugs me – but I’ll slow down next time and do a better survey of the scene before I start.
Try, Fail, Learn, Repeat.