
Not so fast Spring. Winter hit back with a vengeance today. Morning started @ 45 dF with a bit of wind and misty rain. I took off for City Market to meet Wil for what hoped to be a long(ish) road ride before the weather turned. The lonely baguette has some pretty amazing endurance – it is slumping a bit, but still going strong.

The mild temps and rain derailed quickly as we took off south (into the headwind). Temps plunged 3 hours before we thought they would. The rain poured down and the wind shifted around from the south to out of the north, and began blowing something fierce. We went outbound on Spear, heading to Mt. Philo. A quick discussion and a detour across the wind took us to the Red Brick Store to warm up. I added some plastic bags from the deli to cover my soaking wet socks and we rung out hats and gloves over coffee and some food.

Pulling out into the wind on Greenbush and I felt signs (mainly a feeling on my face) of the pouring rain turning to sleet. Turning up Bostwick confirmed that the changeover was imminent, and we worked through Shelburne to head in on Rt. 7, at which point Wil pinch flatted Nokian studded tires. We sheltered under an entryway at a nearby business and proceeded to curse the internal hub, the fender, and the tire that would not let go of the rim. I proceeded to shake violently in the cold and the wet. Perfectly warm while riding – but I was wearing every layer I brought – and they all were soaked. Teeth chattering commenced promptly.

I called for extraction, and a very understanding wife and little one rallied to our rescue. We retreated to a nearby cafe for hot tea, and waited for a very warm automobile. Upon loading up the bikes sleet turned to full on snow storm.


The end of winter is near. Trails are firm but starting to soften. Temps are rising. And rain is on the way. I may finally get in some quality (but wet) road miles this weekend. Spent the morning on the Pug. Aside from one over confident plunge into soft snow resulting in an endo, I had a good round of laps on the local single track.

I also took a side trip down to a little cove on the lake. Right off the bike path, but plunging down down down to the water.


Been a long time since I had any quality time on a bike. Got out this morning on the frozen trails. Post holed and hiked over trails have gone through freeze thaw cycles and are pretty miserable to ride. I picked my way down the bike path and into the woods and eventually bailed out to the road. Not in the mood to get slammed around on the ice. There were short sections where I was able to ride comfortably on the frozen crust – but eventually I would break through or dive into a hidden pocket of footprints. Hopefully we’ll see improving conditions – on the trail and in the weather. It was 3dF this morning when I set out.

Recent Snaps

Been a whirlwind. The little one had a birthday. Lots of travel for work – Western NY, ME, NH, MA, CT, Washington DC. Then a botched attempt to get to a wedding in San Diego that ended (due to airline issues) with us staying in Manhattan for the night and driving back to Burlington.

Pugsley Play Date

Got out in the recent wet snowfall with a friend who picked up the last Pugsley in town. Too deep on the trails – but we had fun trying – and riding the somewhat plowed roads.

It was tough going in the deeps. Good fun trying.

I’ve ditched the stock trigger shifters for Paul thumbies with bar ends. Much better in the cold.

About Town

Winter festival today in town… we explored Church St. after lunch with friends. Ice sculptures, snow sculptures, good times jumping in snow piles.


Lots of fluffy snow on the ground. Ava had her first day of preschool on Tuesday and her first snow day today!


-8dF this morning. Local single track, lakefront bike path, and woods. Funny how 4 months ago 28dF was cold. Bodies adapt and acclimate.

Local single track, 5 minutes from the house is in great shape. Someone set classic ski tracks and an army of snow shoers has stomped down the sides of the wider trails. Narrow trails are hard packed, twisty, and fun. The last two mornings I’ve been working to clear every (short) little climb. Figuring out the gearing choice as well as momentum and position on the Pugs has been an adventure. I’ve pulled the monkey nuts and gone back to the wheel pushed all the way forward in the drop outs – it shortens up the chain stay length by 1/2″ +/- and it improves handling and climbing in the woods.

Hopeful that I’ll get a ride in the ADKs this week… looking at Moose River Plains (PDF map). With temps dropping all over the Northeast existing snow pack should harden up into a great base.