Sunday Dirt – 100k Pre-Ride

The usual suspects (and a new face!) rode a preview of the dirt on the Cafe Cruise 100k Populaire that I’m running in collaboration with the New England Randonneurs on June 13th. The ride is being billed as a VT ‘Intro to Rando’ – we start in Burlington, head to Richmond for the wonderful On the Rise bakery, then climb up to Jericho for the Village Cup. Rough guess is that the route is 50%+ dirt, with one section of single track (doable on a ‘road’ bike).

Official route is pending RUSA certification and I’ll have more information up on the NERds website (and over there –>> in my ‘pages’) in a week or two after work and travel and house finding settle down. Also look for a return of the Champlain 200k/300k (and some more pictures here) with chartered bike ferry and the first official running of the Fall Dirt 200k.

And I should note: physics cannot be avoided. The climb from the river on Stage Rd. hurt. In a good way. If you like suffering as an out of shape, out of form, still looking for a house, stressed out parent of a two year old… excuses excuses.


H-Bars on the Soma

A small tweak. New Titec Jones H-Bars on the Soma Juice. I threw the Ergons on as I ran out of time to tape. So far I like them over the Soma Odin bar. Time will tell.

Enjoyed a really slow roll on the lakefront Monday morning. Was under geared for flat riding – so I cruised along at whatever speed 32/19 would take me. Listened to the birds. Watched cormorants fishing. Sat by the lake. Slow bicycle movement – maybe I should sign up.

Recent Snaps

Random, in no particular order or category. Can’t wait to find a place to live. Then to pack, move, unpack and feel settled. Sigh.

Dirt Spam

My postings titled ‘Sunday Dirt’ triggered a filter somewhere on several spambot search functions. Checking in on my comment filters this morning had a slew of trapped comments linking littlecircles to vacuum cleaner bags, house cleaning information, and soil remediation. Sad, that I get more action from robots than from readers.

Oh Jim, Where art thou?

Sunday Dirt

3/4 usual suspects took to some dirt north of town on a cold gray morning. The dirt felt like oatmeal – smooth and slick in some spots – but a drag on the tires for sure. 43 some odd miles from house to John’s for the neutral coffee garage start and back. Was a pleasure to blow off some housing steam and start to feel human again.

(photo courtesy of Mr. McM. and his iPhone)

And there is some hope on the housing front. But I’m waiting to get excited until we start moving furniture and unpacking…

Rainy Gray Saturday Morning

Not much riding lately. Housing search complicates life along with the roller coaster ride of finding a place, putting in an offer, and having the reality of an inspection dash our hopes. Wish there was some magic document that would show a history of materials and improvements that people have made to their homes over their life. Poor decisions made by previous owners are then passed on (often unseen) and inherited by future owners. We are investing a large chunk of savings and future income – and folks wonder why we ask so many questions and are particular about electrical systems meeting code (basic safety things!), cracked chimneys, water damage in all the basements we’ve seen, window upgrades, ancient furnaces, and the list goes on. (It doesn’t help that I’ve lived and worked in the hand crafted and custom home building world for the better part of my life…)

Burlington – we love you and want desperately to stay in town… but your housing prices are outrageous for the quality we’ve seen. As a working family its hard for me to see how others make it work – the college market hyper inflates prices in an already tight market. Lovely Victorians and Colonials hacked to pieces by the college slum lords… and the smaller, odder pieces inflated to pre-bubble levels left for the folks who want to put down roots and stick around for more than four years.

But, Saturday mornings with my sweetie make it all seem worth it. Strawberries, heart pancakes, and a big smile. Time to color on recycled architectural prints…!


Got out for a quick burn with the usual suspects on Saturday afternoon. Weather went from warm and gray to cold and gray. I was under dressed from the start – so I worked hard to keep warm. Moving from the SS with studs and kidervals to the IF ClubRacer with some Challenge Parigi Roubaix hand made tires… I felt like I was flying. Met the wife and little one downtown at the library – they were on the Salsa and the Burley.

Life on two wheels returning to form.


What a difference a week or two makes… weather turned the corner for a bit. Rode in shirt sleeves and knicks last week. Then we were hit with some short lived fluffy white today.


The wife found this on the car Saturday morning after her run.

I observed you park your car and proceed to go for a jog with your dog.

This offends me as these parking spaces are for the businesses, not a park-and-ride – or a park + run as you chose.

Further, you didn’t even stay within the lines for the parking space, making it difficult for the next driver.

I suggest you park at Leddy where spots are plentiful.

Nearly every Saturday for the last 2 years my wife has been meeting a friend for their weekend long run. Jen parks in the lot at the cafe, grabs the dog and heads off to one of the parks, the lakefront bike path, etc. Upon return they grab a bite to eat and socialize. I cannot comment if the car was parked within the white lines, nor what tolerances one would ascribe to be in full compliance. And I do not know the facts of any other vehicles that may have forced an adjusted parking angle.

Nearly each morning I drop by the same local cafe for a bagel and coffee. I do not commute, so after I finish a ride or walk I drop in, read the local paper and enjoy my breakfast. Sometimes I’m in the car, other times on foot, most times on bike.

I doubt someone from the cafe would care where we park, but apparently someone at another business – maybe a customer? maybe a worker? maybe an owner? was upset. Ava and I are known on a first name basis at the cafe and the UPS store 2 doors down. I don’t even have to order my bagel in the morning – if the bike pulls up my breakfast is usually ready by the time I walk in the door, ditch the helmet and pour some coffee.

Funny, what offends some folks here in the New North End, where NIMBYism is taken to a whole new level.


Weather is changing.
Soma is hooked to the little one train for groceries, yoga, and playtime. Body weight is up. Mood is improving. Fitness is down. Kidervals to begin. Stopping at parks is a must.

Thinking about a Schlumpf Mountain Drive. 2 speed fixed gear. Mmmm. Where to find the $$.

House hunting continues. Hopefully townhouse selling will commence magically in the next few weeks. We’ve looked at a handful of properties – and only a few would suit our tastes and neighborhood choices. Those that do fit stretch the budget but also our imagination about life in town, good public schools, and being much closer to friends and family. Walking downtown? To the store? I could get used to that.