
Recent snaps – bike parking in front of Outdoor Gear Exchange and my morning spin.

I wish the parking was designed a bit better – you need to get to the sidewalk to park – instead of having access from the street. And if it had 2 sided entry you could double the number of bikes.

Lake Morning

Morning on the lake with coffee and breakfast from the neighborhood cafe. No fire this morning. Nagging bug working its way through the family has me down – spinning a low gear and being a bit of a tourist in my own neighborhood.

I moved on from the Acron Boxy Rando Bag. It was a fine piece of luggage – but just not for me. I’ve missed having a place for my camera and a few snacks up front – until I found the Mountain Feed Bag from Epic Ride Research. So far it is a winner. Small and out of the way – works on the IF or the Surly. I can pack it full of food or the camera and cell phone. Outside mesh pockets can hold gels, bars, or discarded wrappers. Solid product, made in the states and simple simple simple. Almost a modified climbers chalk bag for the bike.


Sunday dirt exploring and scouting for new links to my favorite roads. The usual suspects were at D2R2 baking and sweating in the heat. I spent the weekend with the family enjoying the water at the beach.

Sunday morning I explored some dirt in Colchester. Was nearly defeated by a dead end – but a motorist assured me that what was left of a road did go through to my destination. I made a weak attempt at the muddy trail on the skinny tires – was swarmed by bugs and left it for another time when I have reinforcements.

Recent Riding


Recent riding has been great. Dirt, fixed gear mixed, and towing the little one in a recently acquired Burley to preview a tri course.



Jen finished her first Olympic distance triathlon this weekend. The girl is an endurance machine… and is only getting faster on the bike, and stronger on the swim. Since Ava’s birth she has completed a Sprint Tri (7 months postpartum!), a half marathon, numerous 10ks, the Boilermaker, and this recent Tri. She has a fall half marathon in her sights, and we are debating doing a relay of the VT Half Ironman in a few weeks (me bike, she swims and runs – with Ava being the official race baton…)
