Spring Dirt

Took off with Wil to Richmond for the first leg of his 200k pre-ride and course check. Met Greg for some dirt climbing. Wes White Hill, East Road and Taft Road in Huntington, then a sloppy ride down Dugway above the Huntington Gorge. Brutal cold headwind coming back north and east. I finished with ~50, steep climbing up Wes White and East Road. Firm dirt to start, sloppy to finish.

Met some folks taking the pets out for a stroll…

Good day out. Tough start, my quads were pretty sore from Friday yoga. After a caffeine break and some warm sun things got better. Blue blue sky and sun today… aside from the wind – perfect.

High Water

Got out on the Pugs today to try my ‘normal’ off road morning loop. Snow was mixed from mashed potatoes to hardpack to just a dusting. I was running relatively high pressure @ 10 psi to make decent time on the paved and bike path connecting portions – which meant plenty of hike a bike in the mashed show full of footprints.

I had wanted to connect through the Intervale – but high water covered part of the farm road on my exit. I’d guess there was 30′ of 3′ deep water to cross – not something I was prepared to do… the nearby Winooski was inches from the tops of it’s banks.


Crossing the MUP.
Crossing the MUP.

A wet friend this morning, as the rain comes down again. Oddly enough, I’ve been thinking about single speed and fixed gear bikepacking while out on the Surly. Perhaps I’ve channeled Kent ‘The Mountain Turtle’ Peterson to Vermont? (Kent is ‘practicing‘ for another ride on the GDR, and his site is inspiring, for sure!)

Not pleased with the papparazzi.
Not pleased with the papparazzi.
Spiky tail, making tracks to the lake side of the path.
Spiky tail, making tracks to the lake side of the path.